The Best of Inside Mac Games ‘96 Now Available! Tired of shuffling through back issues to find that review of Full Throttle or that demo of ShadowWraith? The Best of Inside Mac Games ‘96 is the answer you’ve been looking for. This jam-packed 2 CD-ROM set includes every back issue of IMG since 1993. That’s three years worth of back issues! The Best of IMG ‘96 also includes a great collection of the best commercial demos, shareware games, bug fixes, updaters, cheaters, scenarios, faq’s and walkthrough’s from the past year. If you are a new or current subscriber to Inside Mac Games, you can purchase The Best of Inside Mac Games ‘96 CD-ROM set for just $20 (plus shipping and handling). If you are not a subscriber to Inside Mac Games, the price for The Best of Inside Mac Games ‘96 CD-ROM Set is $40 (plus shipping and handling). To order double-click on the IMG Order Form below.